TCG: Man Made of Birds
:                         :

CARTOONS & MEMES (continued):
(graphics "borrowed" from Google Images)

(graphic "borrowed" from Google Images)

(graphic "borrowed" from Google Images)

(graphic "borrowed" from Google Images)

(graphic "borrowed" from Google Images)

—in the wake of Trump's election
(graphic "borrowed" from Google Images)

—my revision of someone else's meme:
edited wording ("WE'RE HERE TO F**K
ALL OUT FISH [sic]") and snazzed
up meme template in Photoshop

—my iPhone screenshot

—my text revision

—my text revision

(graphic "borrowed" from Google Images)

—my speech balloons over a cartoon by Matt Bors

(graphic "borrowed" from Google Images)

(graphics "borrowed" from Google Images)

—my photo (2011)

—my photo (2009)

—my photo (2016)

(graphics "borrowed" from Google Images)

—my photo (2017)—after Facebook "acclaim"
for latest batch of Bald Eagle shots (like this one)

(graphics "borrowed" from Google Images
[Great Horned Owl "photoshopped" in])

—my photo (2016)

(Graphics "borrowed" from Google Images;
yes, I know that these words are really Neihardt's;
but today's politics seems to require some
poetic licence/"fake news"/positive propaganda.)

(graphic "borrowed" from Google Images)

—my photo (2013)

(graphic & clip art "borrowed" from Google Images)

(graphic "borrowed" from Google Images)

(graphic "borrowed" from a Facebook post)

—my contribution to the "political signage" controversy
at my workplace, Andrews Hall; my photo,
of my office window (2017)

(graphic "borrowed" from Google Images)

—me at Mom's deathbed

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